
    [LeetCode] 1704. Determine if String Halves Are Alike

    1704. Determine if String Halves Are Alike Easy You are given a string s of even length. Split this string into two halves of equal lengths, and let a be the first half and b be the second half. Two strings are alike if they have the same number of vowels ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'). Notice that s contains uppercase and lowercase letters. Return true if a and b are alike. ..

    [LeetCode] 1207. Unique Number of Occurrences

    1207. Unique Number of Occurrences Easy Given an array of integers arr, return true if the number of occurrences of each value in the array is unique, or false otherwise. Example 1: Input: arr = [1,2,2,1,1,3] Output: true Explanation: The value 1 has 3 occurrences, 2 has 2 and 3 has 1. No two values have the same number of occurrences. Example 2: Input: arr = [1,2] Output: false Example 3: Input..

    [LeetCode - Didi Labs 기출문제] 40. Combination Sum II

    40. Combination Sum II Medium Given a collection of candidate numbers (candidates) and a target number (target), find all unique combinations in candidates where the candidate numbers sum to target. Each number in candidates may only be used once in the combination. Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations. Example 1: Input: candidates = [10,1,2,7,6,1,5], target = 8 Output:..